Title: Bicycling for Ladies (2003)
Artist: Amy Redmond
Size: 11 x 14 inches
A day exploring in the library led me to the 1896 book Bicycling for Ladies by M.E. Ward — and it became the inspiration for this print. The image was hand-carved in linoleum and the text was set in metal and wood type.
Printed on Magnani Pescia, a 100% cotton paper, at the School of Visual Concepts using a Vandercook 4 press.
Amada Press is the private letterpress studio of Seattle visual artist and designer Amy Redmond. The main focus of her work is on handset typography using metal and wood type. Amy offers letterpress classes for beginning and advanced students through Partners in Print and teaches typography at the School of Visual Concepts. Her professional design work can be viewed on AmyRedmond.com.