Project: Yellow Island Conservation Action Planning Report
Client: The Nature Conservancy of Washington
Role: Lead Designer
Yellow Island is among the most colorful of The Nature Conservancy’s preserves in Washington state, long known to passengers aboard the state’s San Juan Islands ferries for its dramatic wildflower displays. The small island’s springtime floral display is greater than that of any similar-sized area in the 170-island San Juan archipelago.
The Nature Conservancy publishes detailed reports about its conservation areas, and when the time came to do the report book for Yellow Island, the organization was ready to explore a new approach.
To make the content more inviting and user-friendly, I redesigned the full-color booklet using ample white space, colorful photos, and easy-to-read data tables.
Once complete, I supplied the Conservancy with InDesign templates, complete with style sheets, so that they could build additional reports in-house. The result is an engaging collection of data that portrays the beauty of the island and the dedicated efforts of the Conservancy.
To learn more about the Yellow Island preserve, and other areas The Nature Conservancy protects, visit
> Download the full Report (PDF)
With over 18 years of experience in agency and studio settings, Amy Redmond is a visual designer who thrives on variety, creating print and interactive work for corporate and non-profit clients. To keep her creativity refreshed, Amy balances digital design with time in her letterpress studio (Amada Press) in Seattle. She also teaches at the School of Visual Concepts.